Festival of Lights

Rabbi Shusterman, Jerry Roskoff and Council President Joe Nicastro light the menorah at the Festival of Lights

Council President Joe Nicastro and Rabbi Shusterman
The Festival of Lights took place on Monday, December 19, 2022, at the Senior Center in Mount Olive. Fun was had by all especially Rabbi Shusterman as Brian Schaechter spun him as a dreidel. Many of Mount Olive First Responders were also able to join in the fun with the residents and council members. There was music, dancing, and food for all.

Brian Schaechter spins Rabi Shusterman around at the Festival of Lights

Kevin Maloney Assistant Chief Budd Lake, Councilman John Mania and Council President Joe Nicastro at the 2022 Festival of Lighs Celebration