BLFD Receives New Rescue Boat

Pictured left to right Jeremy Moles, Eddy Torres, Burke Bennett, Spencer Drozdowski, Chief Joe Compano, VP Mark Bernabei, Keil Klaver
With the recent delivery of this new compact rescue boat Budd Lake Fire will now be able to respond to a multitude of water and rescue emergencies with ease. This new boat is able to be towed via trailer or stowed on apparatus and inflated on scene making the unit extremely versatile and given the ability to be taken into tough and remote areas within town not accessible by vehicle. Budd Lake Fire would like to thank those who donated and also wanted to thank Fire & Ems Director Tyler Wargo for making this project happen. Special thanks to The Hunkele Group, Van Cleef Engineering and The Katharine E. Jensen Foundation for their generous donations as well.