Mount Olive Remembers Councilman Daniel Amianda

As people descended on William J. Leber Funeral Home on December 17, Daniel Amianda was remembered with love and adoration at his celebration of life. In attendance were members of the Mount Olive Town Council, the Amianda family, and local dignitaries.
The legacy that Amianda leaves behind is a golden one. He was a caring individual who only wanted the best for the residents of Mount Olive. A public servant, Amianda proudly served on the Mount Olive Town Council as well as the Mount Olive Board of Education. A kind individual, Mayor Rob Greenbaum shared, “I never heard Daniel say a mean word about anybody.”
His desire to serve went beyond the boundary lines of Mount Olive Township and across the Atlantic Ocean to Kenya. He was often raising money for a school in the Bunyore area of the nation. The school is named in honor of his mother, Naomi Alumasi Etisi, who was unable to attend school in the British colonial system.
Council President Joe Nicastro summed it up best: “Daniel was a kind and gentle man. He served his community well and put service before his personal life not only with his elected positions but with his charity work back in his original country of Kenya. He will be missed by all.”
According to his obituary, Amianda emigrated to the United State in 1961. He graduated from Lincoln College in 1965 and earned his MBA in 1969 from Fairleigh Dickinson University. He moved to Budd Lake from New York City in 1975. He worked proudly for the New York City Human Resources Administration.
Amianda leaves behind his wife, a son, three daughters, and five grandchildren.
Amianda’s seat on the council will be appointed to a candidate to serve out the rest of the term in 2023. The seat will then be up for vote in the November 2023 election.