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December 27, 2021
I Remember Dad: Words. Once Spoken to the Tenderfoot Scouts of Boy Scouts Troop 170
By Richard Mabey Jr.
My dad served as Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 170 for 28 years. In all that time, Dad only presented scouts with two ranks, that of Tenderfoot and Eagle Scout. Dad had a trademark expression that he would say to a new scout when he would present the new scout with the rank of Tenderfoot. Dad would always say, “I hope I’ll be pinning Eagle Scout on your uniform in a few years.”
CCM Admissions Office Information Sessions
and Campus Tours
Interested in learning how you can pursue a rewarding career by obtaining a nationally ranked, yet affordable, higher education? The Admissions office at County College of Morris (CCM) has scheduled a full slate of information sessions, both in-person and online, to provide students, their families and adult learners with the opportunity to explore the expansive offerings CCM provides to meet individual goals.
Support Small Business: 6 ways to help businesses in your community thrive
(Family Features) Small business owners faced the challenges of the past couple of years head-on. Nearly all re-evaluated their operations to accommodate new ways of doing business amid changing safety standards and local protocols, and many plan to make these changes permanent.
Over the past year, pandemic-related operational challenges, combined with a surge in physical and verbal attacks, have been uniquely difficult for a group of small business owners.
Eight Morristown High School Alumni to Receive $5K Each for Secondary Education Loan Reduction Awards in Memory of Myles Mislavsky
As student loan debt continues to rise, the Morris Educational Foundation (MEF), a non-profit organization enhancing excellence in education in the Morris School District, is proud to announce that eight exceptional Morristown High School (MHS) alumni have been selected as the recipients of the 2021 Myles Smiled on You Award for secondary education loan reduction. The award was created in memory of 2013 Morristown High School graduate, Myles Mislavsky, and is funded by those who knew and loved Myles, his family, friends and the Golden Bagel Runners.
I Remember Mom: The Precious Days of Bringing Foxy to a Store
By Richard Mabey Jr.
One of the most precious things that my dear mother taught me, was to find the joy and splendor in the simplest moments in life. One fine example is when we would go to a store and Mom would bring our Shetland Sheepdog, Foxy, with us. A fair number of stores in Central Florida will allow shoppers to bring their pups into the store with them.
As soon as we found a parking place, I would get a carriage and then place two or three blankets on the flooring of the carriage. Then, gently lift Foxy from the backseat and ever so gently place her into the carriage. It was such a funny thing. Foxy would look up to me, with a kind of smile on her face. Foxy simply loved to take a ride in the carriage and visit a store. In many ways, it was kind of a Disney World ride for her.
Fighting the Flu: 3 tips to protect your health
(Family Features) When most people hear about vaccines these days, the first thing that comes to mind is COVID-19. However, vaccines also help prevent other serious illnesses like the flu, especially for those at higher risk.
According to the American Heart Association, people with underlying risk factors like heart disease, stroke, obesity and diabetes are at high risk of serious flu complications. During the 2018-19 flu season, more than 93% of adults hospitalized for the flu reported at least one underlying medical condition that placed them at high-risk for complications, based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Oroho: Murphy's Energy Master Plan for New Jersey is Costly Foolishness
The following editorial by Senator Steven Oroho (R-24) on the huge cost of Governor Phil Murphy’s Energy Master Plan was published by NorthJersey.com on December 15, 2021:
We all value our home products, many which are energy dependent. So, it’s in consumers best interests to get more educated about the true costs of Gov. Phil Murphy’s proposed Energy Master Plan, especially because their household budgets are about to take a sizable hit. The huge cost effect is real and will happen if residents don’t speak up.
Better-for-You Family Favorites
for a Healthier Routine
(Family Features) Taking time to nurture your health and well-being starts with building healthier habits. As the seasons change, challenge yourself to make small yet consistent choices that help you and your family through transitions at school, the office or wherever your days take you.
To help you establish (or re-establish) healthy habits during mealtime and beyond, consider these tips.
Eat Meals Together
“Making time for meals together as a family provides a chance to connect and decompress,” said Bridget Wojciak, director of nutrition at Kroger Health, a national sponsor of the American Heart Association’s Healthy for Good initiative. “In fact, regular meals at home can help reduce stress, boost self-esteem and improve feelings of connection.”
Bring everyone together with a better-for-you seasonal favorite like Turkey and Bean Tostadas.
MPAC's Teen Performing Arts Company Returns
to Entertain in 2022
After over a 20-month layoff due to the COVID pandemic, MPAC’s teen Performing Arts Company (PAC) is back and performing at non-profit fundraisers and events throughout Morris County.
The PAC, under the direction of MPAC Education Director Cathy Roy and Musical Director Darius Frowner, is comprised of two dozen performers ages 14-21 from around the region who earned a spot in the group through an audition process in the fall. The members are not charged to be part of the group.
CCM Student Publication The Promethean Wins Second National Award This Year
A consistent national award-winner with more than 40 honors to its credit, The Promethean, the student literary and design publication at County College of Morris (CCM,) has been selected by Graphic Design USA for a second award in its 2020 competitions. This time, the 2020-2021 edition of The Promethean was presented with an American Graphic Design Award.
The American Graphic Design Award is the original design contest founded by Graphic Design USA 56 years ago. The contest is open to the entire design community and recognizes outstanding work in in all categories and media, self-promotional items, publications, invitations, signage and websites.
RHA 'Nature Days' program gets boost
with $5K grant
An outdoor education program established by Raritan Headwaters Association (RHA) during pandemic-related school closings in 2020 is getting a boost from a charitable grant.
The Robert and Toni Bader Charitable Foundation recently awarded $5,000 to Raritan Headwaters to pay for new equipment and an updated curriculum for the “Nature Days” outdoor learning program for children.
Shifting Wellness Attitudes Shape 2022 Fitness Trends
(Family Features) In adjusting to the constraints of the pandemic, many Americans had to improvise where and how they work out. After months of adapting to a “gym anywhere” mentality and learning to accommodate more flexible workout schedules, this new fitness mindset is inspiring some larger trends for healthier living.
“We’ve learned that wellness is not one-size fits all, and that it’s achieved by small habits like regular hydration that can really impact how you feel throughout the day,” said celebrity fitness trainer Harley Pasternak, MsC. “Collectively, nourishing both body and mind together as one makes holistic health a sustainable lifestyle.”
Roseland Remembers Former Fire Chief George Batta
The Borough of Roseland, NJ offers its sincere condolences to the family of lifelong Roseland resident and former Chief of the Roseland Fire Department, George Batta. In Chief Batta’s honor, the flag has been lowered to half-staff.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with Chief Batta’s family and friends at this tough time,” said Roseland Mayor James R. Spango. “We salute Chief Batta for his lifetime of selfless service to the Borough of Roseland and its residents.”
CCM Announces Investment Challenge Winners
Three County College of Morris (CCM) students are celebrating their success as winners in the Third Annual Investment Challenge held at the college. One of the many benefits students receive at CCM is real-world learning that solidifies their classroom experience and positions them for success. As evidence of that, participants in the Investment Challenge, which took place this Fall Semester, gained a comprehensive understanding of cryptocurrency, the rapidly changing world of finance and the importance of diversification, along with insight into the Metaverse.
CCM Graduates Latest Class from Prevocational Programs for Adults with Disabilities
County College of Morris (CCM) recently celebrated the latest graduates from its Culinary Opportunity (COP) and Horticultural Opportunity (HOP) programs, as it also has begun recruiting for the next class for both of the training sessions for adults with developmental disabilities.
COP prepares students for entry-level positions in food production or packaging in a grocery, supermarket, convenience store or food market. Students in the program also are prepared to obtain Serv-Safe certification and provided with resume preparation and interviewing skills, along with the opportunity to meet potential employers.
Seton Hall University's Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology Awarded Nearly $1 Million by Lilly Endowment to Strengthen Pastoral Leadership
Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology (ICSST) at Seton Hall University has received a grant of $989,384 from Lilly Endowment Inc. to facilitate “The 4:12 Pathway for Pastoral Leadership: Building an Authentic Culture of Discernment, Encouragement, and Accompaniment,” a project designed to foster new energy and growth in ICSST’s academic and formation programs.
The effort is being funded through Lilly Endowment’s Pathways for Tomorrow Initiative. It is a three-phase initiative designed to help theological schools across the United States and Canada as they prioritize and respond to the most pressing challenges they face as they prepare pastoral leaders for Christian congregations both now and into the future.