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My Life Online August 9, 2021

Aug 08, 2021 09:32AM ● By new_view_media


New Years Celebration

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August 9, 2021

Diploma in Hand: Post-high school guidance from online school graduates

(Family Features) Before a global pandemic reshaped education across America, many students followed the “expected” path: complete primary education, earn a high school diploma and transition into a career or further learning.

Now, after an unexpected year (or more) of online learning, many students are embracing more nontraditional routes for their education and considering new options for life after high school graduation.

A valuable first step for high schoolers is envisioning the future they want.

I Remember Dad: Just One Lap Around the Race Track

By Richard Mabey Jr.

 Each and every one of us hears the faint whispers of the echoes of the call from another time and another place. At times, it can be all so subtle. And at other times, it is not so much a whisper, but rather a roar of a lion, calling us back.

 When my father came home from Hickam Air Field, after World War II had ended, he would often visit his older brother Earl. Uncle Earl and Aunt Eleanor lived in the foothills of Boonton’s famous Sheep Hill, along Boonton Turnpike. They owned a rather large parcel of land that took in a little over five acres. Their estate ran from Boonton Avenue, on up past Green Street, and ran along the tall water tower, just above Green Street.

OPINION: You Can't Be Friends with Conservatives?

From the right


One of the most obvious misconceptions about liberals today is that they personify tolerance. The Oxford English Dictionary defines tolerance as “the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.”

A recent poll by the Survey Center on American Life at the American Enterprise Institute found that Democrats are twice as likely as Republicans to report ending a friendship over a political disagreement (20% versus 10%). Liberals are also “far more likely than conservatives are to say they are no longer friends with someone due to political differences” (28% versus 10%). However, “no group is more likely to end a friendship over political differences than liberal women — 33% responded they stopped a friendship over politics.”

5 Tips for Remodeling in Today's Market

(Family Features) In the aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdown, labor shortages and access to certain products affects numerous industries, including remodeling. Even so, after extra time at home and delays caused by the pandemic, there is high demand for home renovation projects.

If you’re planning a home remodel or construction project, consider these tips from professional remodelers to avoid frustration and ensure your vision comes to life.

Renewal by Anderson

Clear the Bathroom Clutter

(Family Features) Due to their small size and heavy usage, bathrooms can become messy, cluttered areas for many families.

For those with smaller bathrooms, storage solutions can be even harder to find. Consider these organization tips to make your bathroom a clean and functional space for every member of the family:

Assess the mess: Go through all the cabinets and drawers to clear out unused makeup, health care products and medications. Make sure the items you keep are used on a regular basis. Items used sparingly should be placed in an alternate location.

Intel Expands Its AI for Workforce Program to Include Morris County Vocational School District

Intel is expanding its Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Workforce Program and partnering with Morris County Vocational School District along with 18 community colleges across the country in 11 states, including Arizona, California, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin. This expansion will enable hundreds of thousands of students to land careers in high-tech, healthcare, automotive, industrial, and aerospace fields.

Showstopping Cookies with a Crunch

( Sweet treats are a favorite food, especially when they have a unique or unusual twist that makes them stand out from the crowd. When a dessert isn’t the classic chocolate or vanilla flavor, it can pique eaters’ interest. Cupcakes, macaroons and even pies have some intense flavors, however, it’s hard to top the delightful taste of these Fresh Ginger Cookies.

Ledgewood Scholarship Winner to Perform 8/17 in Morris Township

Zachary Solano of Ledgewood, a 2020 Hanover Wind Symphony (HWS) scholarship winner, will perform a tuba solo at the HWS concert on Tuesday, Aug. 17, at 6:30 p.m., at Ginty Field, 50 Woodland Ave., in Morris Township. The free concert, called “Bringing People to Music and Music to People . . . Again!” was postponed due to a torrential rainstorm in July. (The HWS slogan is “Bringing people to music and music to people.”) Zach, who graduated from Roxbury High School this year, will perform a tuba solo as part of “Beelzebub,” by Andrea Catozzi.

Morris County & Ort Farms Deliver Fresh Produce to Seniors

Fresh produce picked at Ort Farms in Long Valley was packed in bags to distribute to senior citizens through a farm-to-table, pilot program operating this summer under a partnership between the long-time family farm and the Morris County Nutrition Program.

The cooperative arrangement allows senior citizens to order produce that will be bagged at the farm and delivered to their housing complex within 24 hours.

Super Foods for a Nutritious Diet

(Family Features) The health community has long praised the benefits of vitamins and nutrients derived from natural sources. For those looking to improve their health or take preventative measures, these 10 natural super foods can be incorporated into your daily diet to help support your health:

Green Tea – Armed with a special type of antioxidants called polyphenols, green tea can decrease plaque formed in the arteries and can fight prostate cancer.

Denville Rotary Clubs Answer the Urgent Call for Blood Donors

As the New York Blood Center (NYBC) says, stepping on a Lego brick with your bare foot hurts, doesn’t it? So does hitting your thumb with a hammer! A lot of things hurt, but donating blood to save lives isn’t one of them.

 This year, a rise in the number of trauma cases, organ transplants, and elective surgeries that require blood products has depleted inventories, so the need for blood donors is great.

Sweet Ideas for Easy Back-to-School Breakfasts

(Family Features) A healthy breakfast can give your student a boost that lasts all day long. Mornings tend to be rushed, but it’s still possible to prepare easy breakfasts that power little learners throughout the school day.

Fresh fruit is a breakfast staple, and a nutritious option like watermelon is a sweet way to satisfy hunger (and thirst). As a refreshing ingredient or standalone treat, watermelon includes just 80 calories and no fat. It’s an excellent source of vitamin C (25%) and because it’s made of 92% water, it’s a flavorful way to encourage kids to start a busy day well hydrated.

A bowl of watermelon cut into cubes, balls or fun shapes is a winning idea, but you can also think outside the rind with these ways to give watermelon a place at your breakfast table:

Plan a Perfect Reunion for Family and Friends

(Family Features) After an extended period of social distancing, this year will be a time for reuniting with family and friends. Picnic get-togethers filled with delicious food are one of the best ways to reunite with loved ones when you’re ready for those long-overdue laughs.

While planning the perfect outdoor gathering can feel overwhelming, it doesn’t have to be. With these simple tips, it can be easy to organize a memorable picnic reunion.

Make it fun. Whether it’s a water balloon toss or a three-legged race, organizing a few games for your guests can be a simple way to reconnect and have fun together. Outdoor games like ring toss and potato sack races or arts and crafts are activities all ages can enjoy.

OPINION: How the Left Has Used COVID-19 to Bankrupt the United States

Attention readers: Mark Shields is off this week. Please enjoy the following column by Stephen Moore.

I have never bought the conspiracy theories that COVID-19 was a diabolical political plot to undermine the country. But what is apparent with each passing week is that the virus has been the springboard for the left’s agenda to transform America in a way that Sen. Bernie Sanders, Michael Moore or Rachel Maddow could have never imagined.

Without COVID-19, President Joe Biden would never have been elected, of course. So, for the left, the virus defeated former President Donald Trump. COVID-19 is now the gateway to the left’s utopian agenda of multitrillion-dollar climate policies, hyperregulation of the economy, the rebirth of the welfare state and a radical redistribution of income.

5 Prep Steps to Protect and Power Your Business

(Family Features) An unexpected event such as a seasonal storm can wreak havoc on your business. While you may not be able to manage Mother Nature, you can take steps to protect your business against the impact of a natural disaster.

In honor of National Preparedness Month, consider these tips to help prepare your business in the event a disaster or emergency comes your way.

Couple Travels to New Jersey to Hike Mount Tammany for Colorectal Cancer Awareness

Colorectal cancer (CRC) survivor Sheila Schrack and her husband Chad Schrack are traveling from Ohio to host a hiking event on Mount Tammany in Knowlton Township, on August 22, as part of a national event, Climb for a Cure, hosted by the national advocacy organization Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC). Proceeds from the event will support CRC research and the online trial finder, a resource the Schrack’s say is essential for anyone battling CRC. The event is one of eight community climbs occurring as part of the national event.

How to Navigate Family Feelings About Returning to School

(Family Features) Whether it’s your child’s first day of kindergarten or the start of middle school, back-to-school season can bring a range of feelings – from worry to excitement – for the entire family. This year may be more emotional as many families spent the better part of the past two school years at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s important to remember that even in the best of times, it’s normal for children to express feelings of sadness, isolation or stress,” said Tyreca Elliott, from KinderCare Learning Centers’ inclusion services team. “Learning how to address those feelings helps us build self-confidence, resilience and independence. What’s important is the way adults respond to children’s stress. Offering comfort, reassurance and assisting with problem solving will help children learn and grow from stress in a positive way.” 



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